Boats & Buyers

Building USA’s fastest growing Boat Auctioning Platform

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How did we help:
  • Research
  • Design
  • Development

From seasoned sailors to first-time boaters, the traditional starting point for finding that perfect vessel has always been the boat auction house.

Boats and buyers brings the auction house in a modernised digital version which is simple to use.

The brand aims to keep the tradition alive by providing boats for all kind of buyers through auction.

About Founder

With a background of over three decades in the sale and purchase of used boats, Jeff aimed to simplify the boat auction process through a platform with modern features such as Personalized Alerts.

This platform has successfully moved Jeff's clientele online, facilitating access to best deals immediately upon availability.


We were tasked with developing a highly customizable auction system for the Boats and Buyers platform, designed to be an open-for-all bidding environment. The platform was to feature clear buttons and an intuitive flow to facilitate a smooth experience for all potential buyers and sellers.

We started by designing the UI and modifying the feature set to closely resemble an offline auction experience. 

The aim was to create a platform that not only empowers users but also simulates a real-time bidding environment for enhanced user engagement.

The Solution

Within just a few days, we quickly provided a self-sufficient team of expert designers who took on a consultative role, giving the client full visibility into the design process whilemaintaining the highest standard of designs.

Our process began with in-depth UX research and an analysis of our competitors. This foundational work helped us define the platform's architecture and refine the final design.

Market research and analysis played a crucial role throughout the project.

After receiving approval on the design, it was handed over to the development team, experts in React, to create the final product. Among the significant features developed were:

  • Auction Timer: This feature includes a real-time countdown during auctions.
  • Personalized Notifications: Notifications that inform you immediately if another bidder surpasses your bid before the auction closes.

Simplifying Complexity with Innovative Features

When deciding to purchase a boat, it's crucial that potential buyers have clear information.

Our platform ensures this by offering real-world images and a setup that mirrors actual auction environments, complete with an extensive list of detailed features.

Detailed Listings

Comprehensive boat listings with detailed specifications, descriptions, and high-quality images ensure transparency and facilitate informed decision-making.

Online Auctions

The platform offers a dynamic online auction format, allowing for competitive bidding and ensuring fair market value for boats.

Mobile Compatibility

The platform is optimized for mobile devices, allowing users to access auctions and listings on the go.

Advanced Search Filters

Users can utilize advanced search filters to narrow down listings based on specific criteria such as boat type, size, price range, and location.

The boat auction platform has emerged as a groundbreaking solution, successfully addressing the difficulties faced by boat enthusiasts and sellers alike.

It has proven its potential for substantial growth through its simplicity and practicality. The impressive sales of over 1000 boats in less than a year have not only substantiated this claim but have also brought Jeff significant recognition in the boating community for providing such a practical platform.

If you are looking to build an Auctioning platform, our consultants are here to help