Establishing a digital marketplace and apps for the sale of computer peripherals and customized desktop computers, targeting the UAE audience.


Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Build your own PC at authentic prices
The Web Platform and apps (Both Android and iOS)


X revenue/annum


Geekdoor planned to establish a specialized platform for the organized assembly of computers in the UAE.

With substantial experience in the computer hardware industry, the client aimed to expand their operation online, providing a platform for other vendors to easily connect with customers.

Assemble and order
your PC in quick steps

Step 1
Shortlist your Hardware

Choose from a range of branded motherboards, chipsets, monitors and more

Step 2
Check compatibility

Is all the hardware good enough to be put in together, run quick compatibility tests to avoid last minute delays

Step 3
Pay and Sit Back

Once compatible system is added to cart, complete payment and wait for delivery to arrive at your doorstep

Tackling business objectives by building two coherent user experiences.

Mobile ApplicationWeb Application

Product Development
& Objective

  • Instant inventory availability tracking for vendors
  • Create, oversee products, or handle order receipt
  • Handle user profiles with options to activate, deactivate, or delete accounts
  • Verify compatibility of hardware with your PC
  • Compare products of the same category
  • Get real time updates on order status

Identifying the need

The client aimed to streamline the computer assembly process while also supplying peripherals and accessories, in an industry that was until now quite scattered.


With the rollout of a web platform and mobile apps for iOS and Android,
Geekdoor aims to simplify the process of obtaining computer assembly services and peripherals, offering everything users need on a single platform.

Build your PC

Choose from a wide selection of brands and setups to assemble your ideal customized machine, whether for personal use or your office.

Run Compatibility Test

Before completing your order, ensure the selected parts are compatible with each other.

Wide Range of Products

Choose from the most viable brands for computer components, alongside an ample selection of brands for all types of accessories.

Understanding users
& product scope

The client presented numerous observations regarding the disorganized state of the computer assembly market.

In response, our team conducted thorough research to understand the growth potential of computer assembling market and scope.

Gaming Market

Insights into the Games Market of the

United Arab Emirates


2020 Revenues

Top Three Genres per Platform

  • Mobile
  • Console
  • PC
IT Industry Potential
Market Overview

The Top Choice for
Assembling and Creating
the Perfect PC!

Your go-to destination for custom-built computing solutions. A seamless integration of our app and website empowers you to create your personalized computing setup effortlessly.

Each screen is designed to maintain a seamless user flow, providing information and options through a clean, simple user interface. Our goal is to streamline the process, ensuring it's both straightforward and thorough for the user.

Compatibility test

Before the PC components are added, the platform ensures in real time that they are compatible, providing a seamless user experience.

  • Compatibility checks are conducted between all hardware components
  • The compatibility of the desired software with the hardware is confirmed

Build your PC

  • Processor
  • Motherboard
  • Memory
  • CPU cooler
  • GPU
  • Storage
  • Network card
  • Case
  • Power supply

Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo con

Jessica SchullsCEO, XYZ Company

Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo con

Jessica SchullsCEO, XYZ Company

Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo con

Jessica SchullsCEO, XYZ Company

Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo con

Jessica SchullsCEO, XYZ Company

Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo con

Jessica SchullsCEO, XYZ Company

Geekdoor is clocking over $ 36000 in sales per quarter since being launched in 2019

Download the app & start building you PC!

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